Cathedral of Saint Peter of Beauvais
Yongyeob KIM and Yinghua REN
#041 photo of models
#040 photo of models
#039 photo of models
#038 photo of models
#037 Special drawing
#036 Special drawing
#035 Special drawing
#034 Special drawing
#033 Special drawing
#032 final model test
#031 final model test
#030 final model test
#029 model
#028 section&organ
#028 Perpendicular _3
#027 Projet text
The cathedral of Beauvais is the incomplet Gothic cathedral and the highest in Gothic.
But this cathedral has lost the function and the value. So we are supposed to revive
the cathedral and attract the visitors.
To revive the cathedral, we choose the festival of music to revive Beauvais and the
cathedral. In the period of the festival, the visitors are much more. So we followed the
visitors to know how we will design. Following the visitors, we wanted to know
which part people are interested in the cathedral and which space isn’t impressing to
The goal of festival is to connect several genres and times of music like Modernity
and Classic. So to put in the festival, many genres should be performed at the same
time in the cathedral and connected the space like one space. We’ve combined 8
genres from research we did. And then we thought a room for each genre not to dis-
turb the visitors who want to see the cathedral and to maintain the general circula-
tion and the original function of the cathedral.
But the festival won’t be performed every time in the year, so we thought the rooms
have to be designed to be demolished whenever it should be. So we are going to
invent some details which can be combined easily.
#026 Model Study
#025 Perpendicular Circles _2
#024 Perpendicular Circles _1
#023 model study
#022 The Space test by different matieres_02
#021 The Space test by different matieres_01
#020 The Space test by paper
#020 The Space made by 2 ballons
#019 The space made by 3 ballons
#018 New space in cathedral
#017 New space in cathedral
#016 New space in cathedral
#015 New space in cathedral
#014 Photo of Barcelona
#013 Photo of Barcelona
#012 Photo of Barcelona
#011 Photo of Barcelona
#009 Mapping_The spacial flow
Synthesize all analysis below
#008 Mapping_General Circulation
#007 Mapping_velocity
#006 Mapping_Stain of movement
Analyze the visitors mouvement
#005 The plan of the beauvais cathedral
#004 Analysis of Grasshopper_02
#003 Analysis of Grasshopper_01
#002 Facade West_02
#001 Facade West_01